Fees & Payment
Our fees vary dependings on the Service that you are accessing and are as follows:
WALKING SESSION - with MHCP via Phone / Telehealth / in person Wollongong: $77.65 after rebate (50-60 minute session, eligible for suitable Mental Health Care Plan)
WALKING SESSION - PRIVATE via Phone / Telehealth/ in person Wollongong: $199.00 (45-60 minute session, eligible for Private Health Fund Claim Back)
Please note that while we capture your credit card details, you will not be charged for the session until you have attended your session. You will then be reimbursed the Medicare Rebate within 24 hours. Cancellation fee of $100 with less then 24 hour notice applies.
How do I pay for my Walking Session?
Paying for your Walking Session is simple and secure. After booking your session, you’ll complete an intake form that includes your credit card details. Rest assured, your information is stored with bank-level security and will only be used for your sessions.
The session fee will be processed after your Walking Session is complete. If you're eligible for Medicare rebates, those will be deposited into your account within 24 hours after the payment has been made.
Want to go for a Walk?